D.W. Merritt School Updates 10-29-20
I hope this finds you well. Our students continue to grow, learn and make us proud! They have adjusted so well to new practices and procedures. Below you will find important updates that will help us be proactive in addressing situations that may arise. Please call (483-2229) or email me (lgreene@msad37.org) with any questions that you may have. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to give your child/children the best possible learning experiences during these uncertain times! Thank you, Mrs. Greene
If our school had to Quarantine for 14 days, students would work on assigned projects from home. Project guidelines are being sent home with students today and are only to be used if the school is quarantined.
If the superintendent should call a Snow Day due to weather conditions, students will work on snow day packets and/or Google Classroom from home. Three Snow Day packets will be sent home on Nov. 5 so that students have them should the need arise. Any remote snow days will count as school days and they will not have to be made up at the end of the school year.
If at any time, it is determined that we are a Red School, teachers would email/call families and start our remote learning plan. This would be Google classroom for grades 3-6 and a combination of packets/ calls/emails/virtual for grades pre-k to 2.
Upcoming Events
October 30 Classroom Halloween Parties with special lunches & treats provided by the school & the district food service program (sorry to say that due to pandemic guidelines, we can’t have treats sent in from home or families attending – I will take lots of pictures & post on the website)
November 2 Flu shots for students that have returned permission slips
November 9 Veteran’s Day classroom activities - students will honor Veteran’s and their service. If they have a family member / friend that is a Veteran, please let their teachers know their name, branch of service and years served.
November 10 Report cards will be sent home
November 12 Parent/Teacher conferences will be either Zoom, email or phone (you will be receiving your scheduled time and choice of conference type soon)
November 19 1st quarter awards will be presented to students in classrooms / awards videos will be posted on the school website www.msad37.me
November 20 School picture re-takes
November 25 Early release for Thanksgiving break
November 26&27 Thanksgiving break