Dear Daniel W. Merritt School Families,
As the school year draws to a close, I would like to thank all of you for your patience, understanding and support. It has certainly been a school year like no other. The pandemic brought changes to almost every aspect of school life from in person learning, remote learning, busing, sanitizing, mask wearing, social distancing and the list goes on and on. Yet, everyone rose to the occasion and remained D.W. Merritt Strong!
Even with the stresses and limitations that COVID 19 brought our way, the spirit at DWM was never broken. Teachers, staff, students and families all worked together to make this a memorable, successful school year. Each day I witnessed students blossom both socially and academically. I watched them follow pandemic guidelines and still learn, grow, be happy and make lasting friendships.
I am incredibly proud of the entire D.W. Merritt School Community for making the best of this unprecedented situation so that our DWM children could be at school learning with their friends. This school year brought many challenges that were overcome and our students learned some valuable lessons about perseverance, problem solving, determination and the power of teamwork.
We will honor our students on Friday morning, June 11 with awards, pins and treats in their classrooms and a send off for the summer with music, cheers and bubbles! I will post pictures on the school website and the booster club facebook page. Just a reminder that June 11 is also an early release day.
Thank you again for your continued support! We could not have navigated the rough waters of the past school year without you! Together, we did it! I wish you all a happy summer and I look forward to seeing you all in the fall!
Lorna N. Greene
Principal – Daniel W. Merritt School
Prof. Development, Title I and G/T Coordinator - RSU/SAD #37