Jr. high soccer has begun for grades 6,7 and 8 students that have returned signed athletic codes, proof of insurance and proof of a recent physical. Mr. John Batson is the coach and he will be assisted by Mr. Matt Payne.
The practice schedule is Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:00-5:30 at the DWM field. Due to extenuating circumstances beyond the district’s control, busing cannot be provided to and from games at this time. Parents/families will need to provide transportation.
Playing a sport is a privilege. Students must maintain passing grades to participate. Athletes are expected to listen to the coaches, follow the rules of the game, show good sportsmanship and be respectful of teammates and coaches at all times. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
The following games have been scheduled:
4:00 Tuesday, Sept. 28 @ Cherryfield Elementary School
4:00 Monday, Oct. 4 @ Cherryfield Elementary School
4:00 Monday, Oct. 18 @ Jonesport Elementary School
The schedule will be updated when more games are added.
Play Hard, Play Fair and Have Fun! Good sportsmanship is expected from players and fans!