Glow Dance/Bake Sale

Announcements for NJSHS 8TH GRADE FAMILIES:  The next few weeks hold lots of events and opportunities for our 8th graders. Here are several reminders for all 8th grade students as we enter this busy and exciting time. 

  1. Please be sure your student has turned in their permission form for the Colby College field trip on either 3/7 or 3/14 to Ms. Charest. Extra copies are available on the 8th grade families Google Classroom page, or in Ms. Charest's room.
  2. Please be sure you've been added to the 8th Grade Families Google Classroom page. Announcements and volunteer coordination for all 8th grade class events happen through this page. Forms to join the page went home in the fall, but if you still need to be added or need to be added with a different email address, please email with the email address you would like to use. 
  3. 8th grade is hosting a glow stick dance on Friday, March 10th from 7-9pm. The dance is open to all 7-9th graders at Narraguagus. 
  4. 8th Grade will host a bake sale at Bayside Shop n' Save in Milbridge on Saturday, March 11th to raise funds for the class trip. 

Please email class advisor Meg Charest at with any questions, or if there is anything for which she can offer support