Winners with Prizes

It's a half day, so it seems like a good day to celebrate some winners!  For the month of December, Brice Nichols and Christian Rainville, were the winners of the PTSG Clothing Closet Support Basket! These two were as excited as they could be to have their names drawn and those blankets will likely come in handy over the next few days! These two have been awesome in helping make outfits, trying out clothes and finding some gems hidden in the JMG classroom. Our January winner has been drawn, but I'm gonna keep that excitement for a little while longer, as I know these two were pretty happy to have their photo taken with all the goodies.

Thanks again to everyone that supports our JMG Clothing Closet from students, staff and the community! To the PTSG - we appreciate your support and creativity in making these baskets and putting smiles on the faces of the winners. It truly is one of the best parts of my day! Stay tuned for more fun coming out of the JMG classroom!